Happy Camper How Camping Can Improve Your Mood


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Do you like you lost your groover, your mojo, or even your swagger? Does the monotony of the 9 to 5 grind make you feel like you’re losing your mind, or even part of yourself? In other words, are you just sick of running the rat race day in and day out? If so, join the club.

America is waging war on stress, with more American than ever revealing that they experience frequent feelings of anxiety and depression. Furthermore, many are unable to get the help they need in order to better manage their stress.

According to a recent CBS News article, it’s estimated that a staggering 8.3 million American adults, or roughly 3.4% of the population, live with psychological distress. In previous estimates, the number of Americans living with psychological distress hovered at 3% or less.

Although there are a number of highly effective treatments for stress management, spending time in nature has proved to be a real game changer in managing symptoms of depression and anxiety. A study by the University of Michigan found that simply walking in nature can a number of positive effects on mood and overall feelings of well being.

So maybe camping is just what the doctor ordered? After all, they aren’t called “happy” campers for no reason, and research is just beginning to reveal the healing properties of the great outdoors. Here’s how camping can improve your mood and promote a greater sense of personal peace.

Dare to do a digital detox

Constantly being plugged or tuned into your digital devices can create a sense of anxiety or fear of missing out, otherwise known as FOMO. Remote places to camp such as cabin rentals in the forest or private campgrounds can provide the perfect opportunity for a digital detox. Why not give your mind the break it deserves and keep digital use to minimum while camping?

Take a hike

The human body was designed to move, and a body in motion will stay in motion because its in good health! Americans more sedentary today than previous generations, and a sedentary lifestyle can support the beginnings of chronic illness. A camping trip is a great opportunity to get moving and engage in fun outdoor activities. Even if you don’t enjoy hiking, you can go for a casual stroll, swim, or even cross country ski in the winter.

Wake up on the right side of the bed

Feelings of anxiety and depression can contribute to sleep loss, which can have a serious negative effect on your overall emotional and mental health. In addition to feeling irritable, you may even find it difficult to concentrate on simple tasks. Furthermore, frequent or near constant use of digital devices can alter your sleep schedule. Being in the outdoors can help you sleep better than ever during a camping retreat, especially after a day of physical activity and limited device usage.