Americans love taking camping vacations. The camping industry brought in more than $5 billion in 2013. At least 40.1 million people in the United States went camping in 2013. That is nearly 14% of the country;s population. This is according to the 2014 American Camper Report. Most people, who like to camp, were introduced to it when they were young. At least 57% of these people went on their first camping vacation when they were kids. For people, who are not fans of the activity, only 25% ever participated in it as children. Planning your camping trip is a part of the fun and an important part of the process. At least 43% of people who take this kind of vacation will spend at least a month planning their trip. From finding the right vacation rentals to bringing the right gear, there are ways to make your experience much better.
- Make your children’s first camping trip a short one. Look for vacation rentals and campground that are not that far from where you live. Some people will do a dry run in their back yard, to get children used to sleeping somewhere besides their beds. If you are looking at cabin rentals, this may not have the impact you are looking for but planning a three day weekend at a campground with cabins for rent may be a good way to get your kids’ camping toes wet, so to speak. It is easier to plan a fun and short trip than a long one.
- Get the right kid friendly vacation spot. Talk to your family about what activities they are going to want to try and engage in when they are out on your camping vacation. Different vacation rentals offer different kinds of fun and family friendly activities. If you know your kids love to do things in the water, you should find a spot near a lake or river.
- Ask about the amenities. Often when you go camping, there are certain conveniences that you have at home that may not be available. One such amenity is a working toilet. That may be find for some families and not so fine for others. If you children have just become potty trained, you may still have their potty that you can bring with you. If you have anyone in your family who will not do without certain amenities, you should make sure your campground can offer them.
- Bring the right stuff. You will need to bring a lot of sunscreen. Few things can derail a fun, family camping vacation like a bad sunburn. Remember that you need to apply it often throughout the day. When you are doing things in the water or are sweating a lot, even waterproof sunscreen will wash off when you are active. As a corollary, you should put some aloe vera (some products will have lidocaine, which is a topical anesthetic so you should get that) to help anyone in your group who does get a sunburn on your trip.
- Plan all of your meals. Hungry campers are the opposite of happy campers. Most people who enjoy camping like to do a number of different activities. From hiking to swimming and canoeing, you will use a lot more calories when you are on your camping trip than when you are at home. Plan for three meals and some healthy snacks. You can do some of the cooking work at home. For instance, you can partially cook your potatoes and chop veggies. This prep work will make your vacation more fun. You should also have more water with you than you think you will need. By the time you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated so make sure you have enough water for everyone.
- Plan for bad weather. No matter how well you plan, you may have rain. Bring games and fun things to keep everyone occupied. Do not let everyone retreat to use their mobile devices. Social media will be there when your vacation is over.
From looking at the right vacation rentals to planning fun activities, you can have a great family vacation when you camp.