Family Friendly Camp Resorts


Campgrounds in illinois

Camping is one of the best ways for a family to spend time together. Outside, in natural setting far away from everyday stressors, we are able to connect and enjoy ourselves in ways we just can?t during our usual busy lives. Getting ?away from it all? with the family is an annual tradition for many Americans; in 2014 over 40 million Americans went camping, with over 500 million different trips. In addition, family camping trips totaled at around 535 million days altogether. That?s proof enough that a family camping trip is an American pastime.

Many people have fond memories of family camping trips they went on as kids. One survey found that 85 percent of those surveyed took their first trip before age 15, with almost 60 percent of adult campers saying that they regularly participated in outdoor activities as children. Being encouraged to spend time outdoors, and being given regular opportunities to do so, is proven to have a positive influence on children?s? health, well-being, and overall sense of self-confidence.
Quality time is crucial to a family?s happiness, whether in traditional or nontraditional ways. No matter the circumstances, family composition, or living arrangements, family vacation is one of the best things a family can do for themselves. Camping, whether in tents, RVs, or camp resorts, is an ideal way to get everyone together, away from electronics and other various distractions, in order to invest attention and time into communication, collaboration, and bonding.

Family camping trips build lasting memories, an annual series of ?remember when?s,? many of which involve learning new things in a fun way, from building a fire to fishing to outdoor safety. Experiencing new challenges together is a wonderful way for families to get to know each other better. And just as many memories involve fun events, like zip lines and splash parks and other activities found at outdoor adventure centers and camp resorts.

Whether backpacking through the wilderness or parking your RV at a series of camp resorts, family camping vacation spots aren?t hard to find in this beautiful nation! While about 70 percent of American camping is done in public campgrounds, there are also camp resorts and splash parks galore. Camp resorts offer a variety of family vacation options for the novice and experienced travel camper. More rustic styles with outdoor cooking amenities, or log cabins, offer the benefits of traditional camping with a slightly elevated level of comfort; for those who want more luxury, camp resorts with spas, restaurants, and guided tours might be a great choice.

Many of us are ready to hit the road the minute school is out, but there?s a reserved joy for those who plan late summer and early fall camping trips, especially in wooded campgrounds in climates that enjoy a change of color in autumn foliage. Cooler temperatures mean less chance of dehydration, less heat-related exhaustion, and fewer insects! In addition, campgrounds are a little less crowded than in the peak of summer, especially for lakeside campgrounds where summer campers come to keep cool. With peak season over, many camp resorts offer lower rates, making it more affordable for large families to enjoy a luxury vacation.

Winter is one of the best times to begin planning a family trip to a camp resort or outdoor adventure center. Not only does it make for a more stress-free trip later, but it helps chase the winter blues away, daydreaming about warmer days and family fun in the sun!