Chances are most of us went camping as kids, and if you’re from the Mid-West, it’s almost a guarantee that you have. There’s nothing quite like sitting around a campfire in the middle of the night, listening to the sounds of nature and the crackle of the fire. Friends or family may be involved. Hiking in the woods, exploring the area around the campsite. Maybe a few games like volleyball or horseshoes. Fishing, too, is a good way to pass the time and bond. Yes, there’s nothing like it.
Is there any wonder why it’s a favorite American past-time?
According to statistics, camping is one of the most popular outdoor activities in the United States. It doesn’t matter if it is in a tent at a campground, a cabin, a recreational vehicle or even just the backyard. In 2013 alone, the revenue of campgrounds and RV parks was estimated at around $5 billion. That’s a lot of money to roast marshmallows and eat smores.
In fact, camping is so popular that most individuals go several times a year. In 2010, it’s estimated that 40 million people took 515 million camping trips altogether! That’s a lot of time at the cabin! Statistics state that most people, on average, go for 14.9 days, too! Talk about some vacation time!
The most popular method of camping appears to be staying at state park campgrounds, with 40% using this method to camp. National parks are next on the list at 14% and local at 10%, the rest being either tent or RV camping in the woods, cabins, or campgrounds. Taking into account that $1.5 billion was spent on camping equipment in 2014, mostly backpacks and sleeping bags, it’s pretty apparent which might be the fourth most popular option!
But who could blame them? A night under the stars can do a world of good. So pick a spot, grab some friends, and enjoy the great outdoors!